How to know if we are the right celebrant trainers for you
- You have a strong sense of ‘rightness’ about wanting to enter the role of celebrancy with a rock-solid foundation
- You are enthusiastic to explore and experiment with your creativity
- You have an inkling of the high-level of responsibility in holding space for others and want to learn the best ways to do this
- You are grateful to have a course tailored around your individual learning style
- You respect that becoming a celebrant is NOT an overnight process
- You value being awarded a certificate based on your aptitude
- You know that as an introvert, our training will give you the safe space to explore your strengths and weaknesses and that you’ll have our undivided attention
- You know that as an extrovert, our training will give you the safe space to explore your strengths and weakness and that you’ll have our undivided attention
- You care about learning to excel in all areas of celebrancy (not just marketing or business)
- You care about working with and being guided by people who want the best for you and are invested in your long-term viability as a celebrant
- You are excited about stretching yourself in different ways so that you can serve your community as the best version of you
- You understand how valuable it is to learn from a working celebrant and relish the thought of shadowing opportunities
- You are dedicated, disciplined, passionate, willing to be creative, insightful, empathic and energy aware, and are delighted that you’ll be working with tutors who will help you thrive
- You recognise that your training is a co-creative process and is dependent on how much care, time, energy and passion that you bring to the tutoring sessions and weekly portfolio submissions
- You value learning in a relaxed environment rather than in a corporate setting
- You already have a sense of the privilege it is to train with people who have such vast experience in their fields and are passionate about passing on their knowledge
Veronika Robinson has been officiating all manner of ceremonies since 1995, and alongside her husband Paul they are industry leaders offering one-to-one professional celebrant training.
Veronika Robinson has a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing from the University of Cumbria, and is the author of over thirty books, including several for celebrants such as The Five Elements; The Successful Celebrant; Write That Eulogy; Funerals for Children; The Discrimination-free Celebrant. Published by Starflower Press.
She is a certified Infant Loss Professional; founder of Penrith’s first Death Café; has a TQUK Level 2 Certificate in Self-harm and Suicide Awareness and Prevention; is a celebrant for the charity Gift of a Wedding; mentors celebrants around the world in all aspects of celebrancy, including mastering writing life stories and love stories; and hosts retreats for celebrants. Veronika founded and edited The Celebrant magazine. Issues 1 to 13 can be found here.