Celebrant Training UK: Attracting Your Dream Clients
Autumn is naturally a time for slowing down. And as I do so, I reflect on the wonderful wedding season I’ve enjoyed as a celebrant. I also think about the paths I’ve crossed, and those who’ve happened upon my path, in the other ceremonies I officiate.
I truly give thanks for the coming together of these relationships and how they’ve enriched my life. Of one thing I’m certain: I’m not the type of celebrant who counts how many ceremonies I’ve done. I never have. Why? Because each and every person, couple or family I serve are humans not numbers. And just as importantly, we have come into each other’s lives for a reason. Not for a second do I feel that these shared encounters are random.
Some celebrants in the UK say that the market is saturated and that we don’t need anymore celebrants. I disagree completely, and this isn’t because I’m a celebrant trainer. It’s because I’m a celebrant. The number of ‘barely good enough’ celebrants outweighs exceptional celebrants to a disproportionate degree. Unfortunately, it’s an unregulated industry so there’s no baseline for setting high standards. And many of those training new celebrants are skilled at marketing but not skilled in celebrancy.
At times, a celebrant might do everything they can (whether or not it’s ethical and based on integrity) to ‘compete’ with other celebrants around them. High visibility isn’t necessarily an indicator of excellence in celebrancy. It’s an indicator of marketing.
One of the things I teach to our celebrants-in-training is that no other celebrant ‘out there’ is your competition.
Shine your light.
Keep learning.
Be you.
Most importantly, be AUTHENTICALLY you. One of our key words at Heart-led Celebrants is integrity. If this guides your life, it will guide your celebrancy and this will shine through in all you do.
“How we do anything
Is how we do everything!”
Your energy will attract your dream clients whether you’re the only celebrant in your area, or one of a thousand. Why? It’s the Law of Attraction. Or, as the Scots say “Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye!” That is, what’s meant for you will not pass you by.
I feel the truth of this in the depths of my being. When you just click with a ‘client’ and really gel, you know that there is no other celebrant who would have given them what you did. It’s not about being ‘better’ than another celebrant. It’s 100% about being you. This comes from a place of transparency, kindness, authenticity, creativity, inclusivity and awareness.
Key to our celebrant training is that we seek to attract students who are willing to train to an excellent level and are devoted to their own self development. This immediately means that, as celebrants, they won’t be the ‘cut and paste & churn ‘em out’ sort. All their work will come from the heart.
For Heart-led Celebrants, bringing consciousness to their life and to their work creates a positive and vibrant energy which shines like a beacon for attracting clients who will be best served by them.
Veronika Robinson has been a celebrant for 27 years. Along with her husband, Paul Robinson, voice and presentation coach, she’s co-founder and co-tutor at Heart-led Celebrants, a dynamic movement of certified celebrants; and is also editor of The Celebrant magazine.