The Myth of the Crowded Celebrant Marketplace
One of the reasons I sometimes hear for people leaving celebrancy, not getting started in celebrancy or wondering whether to train as a celebrant, is the idea that “the market is overcrowded”.
No, the field of celebrancy is not overcrowded. Just because there are other celebrants in your area (and maybe even a lot of celebrants in your area) it doesn’t mean there are too many. Why would I say that? It all comes down to choice. When you go to a clothing shop (or online), it’s nice to be able to browse many rails for choice: colour and style. If I go to a favourite café, I want a choice on the menu not just one or two items.
What if there was only ever one flavour of ice cream?
Or one style of shoe?
Or only one type of vegetable?
What if the world only had black and white and no colours at all?
Do we ever say there are too many hairdressers in town or solicitors or fish ‘n’ chip shops? No. We go to the one that feels right for us. Choice brings freedom, and the freedom to create parts of our life in the way we desire.
Let me repeat: the celebrant market is not overcrowded. Turn the lens back on yourself rather than spending time wondering what other celebrants are up to and how many bookings they’ve got.
When people are searching for a celebrant, there are many things they look for or are attracted to: the most important thing is your energy. I can’t stress this enough. If you’re in victim mode and you’re moaning about the ‘market’ or scared to ‘show up’ on your website, socials or elsewhere, then ask yourself why you don’t want to be visible? Who or what are you scared of? The answer (the energy) will permeate your being and influence the vibration you send out.
Although standing in front of an audience is a small part of celebrancy, it’s an essential part and what all our behind-the-scenes work leads towards. Yes, it can feel vulnerable to be visible. If you have a strong sense of self and identity, you will have a much better chance of surviving-and, most importantly, thriving-in this field. To be clear, though, there’s a massive difference between a huge over-inflated ego and a healthy sense of self. The latter doesn’t require external validation.
Years ago, I said to a dear friend that I was unemployable because of having been self employed for decades. She quickly corrected me and said that I’m highly employable: people are choosing to employ me every single day. She’s right, of course. And it’s the same for you. As a celebrant, your energy will repel or magnetise and the only person responsible for that is you (not FDs, not wedding planners, not the economy, not the local community, not the weather, not wedding couples, not anything or anyone but YOU).
Alongside the energy you emit is the expertise you bring. (That energy, by the way, applies whether you’re at home on your own or at the lectern in front of 200 people ~ it has a lifeforce that works 24/7) Now, I realise that it’s ok for me to mention ‘expertise’ given I’ve been a celebrant for three decades, but even if it’s your first ceremony if you’ve had an excellent foundation of rigorous training then you do have expertise.
Our currency as celebrants is in storytelling. But what of our own story?
Own your story.
Be proud of it.
Share it.
Your story – your truth – will draw your ideal clients into your orbit.
What do you want to put out into the world? When you’re 100% clear on that it will show up in every aspect of your business. Let go of the fear-based mentality about the marketplace.
- Own your worth
- Own your experience
- Own your ENERGY (if you don’t like it, others won’t)
If you feel called to celebrancy with your heart and soul, nothing and no one can get in the way of that. Successful celebrancy is an internal job. For that success to manifest externally, let yourself be seen.
- Find your voice. Most importantly, stop blaming others.
- Show your work. When you do, you are energetically ‘giving’ by showing the exchange of energy between you and your clients. (You can do this without violating privacy and data). You don’t need to desperately do posts saying DM ME NOW. Simply showcase your work. Share how you spend your celebrant day or what inspires you.
- Be a light. If you cover the light, no one will find you. Your light is unique. Even if there are hundreds of lights shining or flashing in your neighbourhood, let yours emit a lovely, welcoming glow and warmth that will make people want to bask in it. Marketing isn’t anymore complicated than that.