Celebrant Courses

At Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training, we offer a variety of celebrant courses and CPD. Take a look. 🙂

Our Signature Course

Diploma in Advanced Celebrancy and Ritual

(This includes foundational content of the Certificate in Celebrancy PLUS covers all rites of passage/human transitions and bespoke ritual creation, narration and choreography; voice and presentation skills; running your own celebrant practice and marketing.)


A Popular Course

Certificate in Celebrancy

(Weddings, Commitment Blessings, Civil Partnerships, Handfastings, Vow Renewals; Namings for all ages and genders; Funerals: Cremation, Burial, Eco-Burial, Memorials, Celebration of Life Ceremonies; Advanced Ceremony Planning; Interment and Scattering of Ashes; voice and presentation skills, running your own celebrant practice and marketing.)


Claire and Tony’s rather rainy wedding day at Grubbins Point, Cumbria.

Celebrant CPD Certificates

Certificate in Child Bereavement Ceremonies

(This one-day in-person training is only for those who are already certified as celebrants)


Certificate in Bespoke Rituals

(This one-day in-person training is only for those who are already certified as celebrants)


Certificate in Handfasting Ceremonies & Handying Rituals

(This one-day in-person training is only for those who are already certified as celebrants)


Certificate in Suicide Bereavement Ceremonies

(This one-day in-person training is only for those who are already certified as celebrants)



Masterclass in Eulogies

Masterclass in Love Stories


Abundance Mindset Masterclass

This abundance mindset masterclass (based on two one-hour Zoom sessions) will help you break through fears about competition in celebrancy, and release resistance to being your best self and thriving as the unique person you are. You’ll attract new clients with ease. Learn to receive with grace and live in a state of superflow, well-being and abundance.

You also have the option of booking one class a month for 12 months.


Celebrant Mentoring

Mentoring on any aspect of celebrant life: running your own business, GDPR, contracts, accounting, metaphysical marketing, abundance mindset, working with challenging clients, etc.

Voice and Presentation Coaching for Celebrants