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World Celebrants Week 2022

Well hello! It’s World Celebrants Week. You can imagine that for celebrants it is a rather exciting time because we get to showcase why we love this job so much. It’s certainly different to other jobs in many ways.   As someone who has been officiating ceremonies for 27 years now (half my life!), I […]

Celebrant Training UK: On the Sofa

Veronika Robinson has been officiating ceremonies, across all rites of passage, for 27 years. Alongside her husband Paul, she’s co-founder and co-tutor at Heart-led Celebrants, a boutique celebrant-training school based in Cumbria, England. Their students come from around the world for training. Veronika is also editor of The Celebrant magazine, an international publication for celebrants […]

Celebrant Training: High Anxiety

by Paul Robinson Paul is the voice-and-communication coach for Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training. He also coaches celebrants already working or who have trained elsewhere, and other people who are interested in improving their voice and communication. You can find him at Paul Robinson Voice Coaching – Voice Coaching  High Anxiety. That’s the title of the […]

Celebrant Training UK: Attracting Your Dream Clients

Autumn is naturally a time for slowing down. And as I do so, I reflect on the wonderful wedding season I’ve enjoyed as a celebrant. I also think about the paths I’ve crossed, and those who’ve happened upon my path, in the other ceremonies I officiate.   I truly give thanks for the coming together […]

To Live in the Heart of Magic

Sometimes, when a new student comes to us for training, they ask ‘what exactly is a ritual?’ My first answer is to share something that they’ll relate to: a ritual can be a coffin carried down the aisle or closing the curtains after the committal at the crematorium or interring the body or ashes into […]

Persephone, Pluto and Power

This blog is written by Eliza Robinson, an author and astrologer based in Glasgow with an international clientele. Her workshop is a wonderful opportunity for celebrants, as creators and writers, to transform any blocks of shame into powerful creativity. (This is suitable whether you’re considering training, in training, or trained) We often don’t know what […]

Celebrant Training: Five Reasons to Train as a Heart-led Celebrant

With the avalanche of new celebrant-training organisations starting up, it is quite a process for anyone trying to differentiate between brilliant, good, okay, mediocre and downright terrible training courses on offer. Where do you even start?     There are different reasons why you might be drawn to a particular training. It could be to […]

Celebrant Training: Aptitude v. Attendance

When searching for a celebrant-training course, it is vital that you’re aware of a distinct difference between outcomes. Some organisations give anyone who attends their course a certificate which declares them to be a ‘professional celebrant’.     There are deep concerns that I have with this approach. It means that people enter into what […]