Celebrant Training Courses in the North of England

Our face-to-face training is augmented by a substantial and comprehensive package of support.
At Heart-led Celebrants (also known as Celebrant Training UK), we offer a variety of courses for celebrants. Our bespoke training is offered on a one-to-one basis here in Cumbria. We attract students from all around the world.

Catrina Young is our most recently certified celebrant. She received her Diploma in Advanced Celebrancy and Ritual from Heart-led Celebrants.
Certificate in Celebrancy. This course can be chosen as:
Weddings only (including Handfasting Ceremonies, Commitment Blessings, Civil Partnerships & Vow Renewals)
Funerals only (Cremation, burial, eco-burial, memorial, interment and scattering of ashes)
Weddings, Funerals, Namings (for all ages) This is our most popular course for those choosing a Certificate in Celebrancy.
Diploma in Advanced Celebrancy and Ritual. This includes all the foundational work of the Certificate in Celebrancy (funerals, weddings, namings) AND covers all rites of passage and extensive work around bespoke ritual narrative and choreography.
All our celebrant-training courses cover every aspect of celebrancy, including:
- self-awareness and personal development
- meeting clients
- working with the bereaved
- working with suppliers
- visiting crematoria, burial sites and wedding venues
- understanding ceremony structure
- research skills
- choosing the right readings and poems
- knowing how to order music and livestreaming from Wesley and Obitus
- creating and writing ceremonies
- developing narration & storytelling skills
- becoming a specialist in ritual
- voice and presentation skills
- officiating ceremonies
- health and safety
- marketing
- blogging
- being social-media savvy
- setting up your own business
- GDPR; keeping records
- self-employed skills.
We also offer one-day courses for working celebrants, regardless of where they’ve trained, such as:
Certificate in Suicide Bereavement Ceremonies
Certificate in Child Bereavement Ceremonies
Certificate in Handfasting Ceremonies & Handtying Rituals
Certificate in Bespoke Rituals
These face-to-face trainings are followed by the independent study required to submit portfolios. We offer seven-day a week support.
Your Tutors:
Veronika Robinson and Paul Robinson are a husband and wife team whose boutique celebrant training Heart-led Celebrants attracts people from around the world. Heart-led Celebrants has earned a reputation for excellence in celebrant training, and those who are certified exemplify the highest standards in the industry. Veronika is a successful working celebrant and offers shadowing opportunities to our celebrants-in-training.
Veronika has been officiating beautiful, bespoke ceremonies since 1995. She is a certified Infant Loss Professional; founder of Penrith’s first Death Café; is a celebrant for the charity Gift of a Wedding; facilitates workshops for celebrants, and mentors celebrants around the world. With a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing from the University of Cumbria, Veronika shares her skills and experience, with celebrants worldwide, offering one-to-one masterclasses in life stories and love stories.
Veronika is the author of many books including the popular Celebrant Collection:
- Write That Eulogy (this is the popular book that other celebrant-training organisations recommend to their students)
- The Successful Celebrant
- Funeral Celebrant Ceremony Planner
- Wedding Celebrant Ceremony Planner
- The Blessingway
Three more titles will be added in January 2024:
- The Gentle Celebrant’s Guide: Funerals For Children
- The Discrimination-free Celebrant
- The Celebrant’s Guide to the Five Elements

Funerals for Children by Veronika Sophia Robinson
Publishing in Spring 2024:
- Mindfulness for Celebrants
- Every Couple Has a Love Story: The Wedding Celebrant’s Guide to writing compelling narrative from Once Upon a Time to “I do!”
- The Wedding Celebrant’s Guide: Romantic Rituals For Commitment Ceremonies
Award-winning voice artist, Paul Robinson, has had a whole career centred around his voice and other people’s. He’s highly experienced as a celebrant, trained actor, drama coach, voice-over artist, singer, broadcaster, compère, and ventriloquist. Paul is an excellent communicator and teacher, and has a sixth sense about how to relate to individuals, groups and audiences.