Although we run monthly group CPD sessions for our certified Heart-led Celebrants and celebrants-in-training, I also offer celebrant CPD by Zoom to any celebrant, worldwide, regardless of whether they’ve trained with us at Heart-led Celebrants or not.

Veronika Robinson is an international celebrant, based in Cumbria, who has been officiating beautiful, bespoke ceremonies since 1995.
Celebrant Masterclasses are based on an initial 1.5 hour Zoom session where I will analyse, assess and advise on the sample eulogy or love-story scripts you have written.
This is followed by:
- independent revision
- rewriting
- editing time
- then completed with a one-hour follow-up Zoom session to enhance writerly confidence, creativity and clarity.
Private Master Class for Funeral Celebrants with Veronika Robinson. Veronika has a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing (University of Cumbria)
Fee: £115
Private Master Class for Wedding Celebrants with Veronika Robinson, MA Creative Writing (University of Cumbria)
Fee: £115

Funerals for Children by Veronika Sophia Robinson, publishing January 2024 by Starflower Press
Celebrant Mentoring on any aspect of celebrancy is also available with Veronika Robinson. £50 for an hour.
For one-to-one Vocal and Presentation Coaching for celebrants with Paul Robinson, visit: www.paulrobinsonvoicecoaching.co.uk £60 for an hour (Five session for the price of four)
To receive a booking form, please email: veronikarobinson@hotmail.com
Veronika Robinson is a highly sought after celebrant trainer who offers private one-to-one training in all rites of passage from her home in Cumbria (or via Zoom). The author of many books, including the popular Celebrant Collection, her titles include:
Write That Eulogy (the book other celebrant-training organisations are recommending!)
The Successful Celebrant (our bestselling book on the power of your mindset)
Funeral Celebrant Ceremony Planner (uber practical resource)
Wedding Celebrant Ceremony Planner (uber practical resource)
The Blessingway (ceremonies for blessing the way to birth)
Three more titles will be added in January 2024:
Funerals For Children
The Discrimination-free Celebrant
The Celebrant’s Guide to the Five Elements
Veronika has been officiating beautiful, bespoke ceremonies since 1995 across all rites of passage, and is a certified Infant Loss Professional; founder of Penrith’s first Death Café; is a celebrant for the charity Gift of a Wedding; and mentors celebrants around the world in all aspects of celebrancy including mastering writing life stories and love stories.