What To Expect On A Celebrant Retreat?

Curious about attending one of our celebrant retreats? Although our retreats are open to all celebrants, regardless of where they’ve trained or level of experience, our core values at Heart-led Ceremonies remain the same: integrity, acceptance and creativity.


Although each of our retreats has a different theme, here’s what you can expect from them:


Our retreat sizes are kept deliberately small so that you can get to know other attendees and create a sense of community.

You will enjoy a five-star luxury double bedroom, home-cooked vegetarian menu, dedicated time with tutors and peers, a sense of peacefulness from being in a charming venue in the heart of the peaceful Cumbrian countryside.

Immersive and structured heart-led sessions are cushioned by relaxation and connection, delicious foods, walks in nature or reading by the woodstove. You will have the space for deepening your skills, exploring new ideas to bring into your celebrant practice, and time to engage and reflect.

Built into the retreat timetable is space for relaxation, meditation and walks in nature. It’s a retreat, so wear comfy clothes, bring your journal, relax.

Personal development that augments professional development.

Peer support so that you can learn, grow and develop confidence, as well as guidance from tutors.