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Handfasting Ceremonies & Handtying Rituals

The Handfasting Mistresses(Rachel Cheer, Jacqui Harding, Veronika Robinson) Invite you to theHeart-led Celebrants’ Retreat Eden Valley, CumbriaFriday, 1st March to Sunday, 3rd March 2024 Knot to be missed!The Complete Handfasting WeekendYou’re bound to enjoy it.   What to Expect Join us for a joyful, fun, creative, inspiring and fully immersive weekend of experiential learning. Be […]

Celebrant Self-Care During Autumn and Winter

By Veronika Sophia Robinson Day by day, here in the Northern Hemisphere, that dip into the darker months makes itself more known. As an Australian born and raised in a delicious climate, I feel the descent into Winter quite strongly. I love light, and I adore hot sunshine on my skin. Winter takes them both […]

Thanking Our Way Through a Script

A Heart-led Celebrant with a high Emotional Quotient will naturally (or through learning) think and feel their way through a ceremonial script. Because our work is so far removed from ‘reading’ the words on a page or living in an egoic-driven performance mode, the way we embody the ensouling style of our work lends itself […]

The Invisible Work of a Heart-led Celebrant

There are many reasons why someone might choose to train as a Heart-led Celebrant: for example, quality and depth of teaching, location, rigorous and robust certification standards, cost, one-to-one training. Regardless of these, it is hoped that after training they actively engage in CPD (whether with us or elsewhere). The most important part, I believe, […]

Discrimination-free Celebrant Training

  An essential part of training with Heart-led Celebrants is having an openness and open heart towards all human beings, and practising non-duality. To be clear, we are human and there are some people you’ll like spending time with more than others. That’s the nature of energy and energetic frequency. In our work, though, a […]

The Heart in Heart-led Celebrants

The world is changing. There’s no question of that. I’ve long held the belief that to live and thrive in this world it’s not so much ‘survival of the fittest’ but ‘survival of those who can adapt’. And this has always served me well both in terms of being a risk taker and rolling with […]

Resources for Celebrants

At Heart-led Celebrants, we’re always seeking to expand on the resources and training materials we include in our course materials. Some of the publications are also available to celebrants who’ve not trained with us. Here are some examples. These are all available at www.veronikarobinson.com; online retailers, good bookshops and libraries.      

What Type Of Celebrant Trainer Am I?

When you’re researching different training organisations and courses, you’ll quickly see the focus is on what you’ll learn during your time, and rightly so. Have you also considered the flipside? That is, what type of trainer/s are involved? Do those people’s skills, qualities, experience and world view match the intention for the training? These are […]

Do you have to train to be a celebrant?

Do you have to train to be a celebrant? This is probably one of the first questions someone asks when they’re playing with the idea of a career in celebrancy. The short answer is: in the UK, no. Celebrancy, like the wedding and funeral industries, is (at the time of writing: May 2023) an unregulated […]