365 ways to transform your celebrant practice
You've got your Celebrant Certificate and off you go into the…
The Life of a Celebrant
When deciding on this blog title I was reluctant to write ‘Day…
The Journey From Certificate to Celebrant Career
When a person chooses to train with us at Heart-led Ceremonies…
The Myth of the Crowded Celebrant Marketplace
One of the reasons I sometimes hear for people leaving celebrancy,…
Why a Writing Retreat Will Transform Your Celebrant Practice
When people think of celebrants, most of the time it is with…
Celebrant training: Are you reading or are you officiating?
Anyone who is certified as a Heart-led Celebrant has been taught…
The Celebrant’s Ego v. Sacred Self
As a celebrant trainer, I often talk about the two distinct…
When shining a light on the core values of a Heart-led Celebrant,…
Did You Have a Microphone On?
This morning I had the privilege of officiating the farewell…
Celebrants and Deadlines
There's a specific reason why our students are required to complete…