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New Heart-led Celebrants

Congratulations to our recent graduates who are now fully qualified Heart-led Celebrants! We wish you all the best in your chosen path and look forward to watching your career as a celebrant unfold.Lynda Gibson Jacquie WilsonEllis Beardsmore Kate PopeImogen PalmerTina HallLorraine KeebleJules Natlacen Deborah C. Anderson Lianne Downey Theresa Hetherington Jean James Denise Keyland Samantha […]

The Hidden Cost of Celebrant Training

When a person is searching for a celebrant-training course, hopefully they find the one which best suits their own ethos. I’ve blogged before about the various reasons someone might choose to train with us at Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training.   Today I want to touch on the hidden cost of a celebrant-training course, and this […]

Celebrant CPD: Certificate in Bespoke Rituals

If you’ve trained as a celebrant (other than with Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training) and feel inadequately prepared for creating new rituals, then our Certificate in Bespoke Rituals will teach you how to confidently craft rituals, understand the meaning and symbolism of many items and how to weave them into your ceremonies in ways that are […]

Celebrant CPD: Certificate in Suicide Bereavement Ceremonies

The Certificate in Suicide Bereavement Ceremonies is a one-day in-person training for those who are already certified as funeral celebrants. The course run from 9am to 5pm arranged for a mutually convenient day. Many funeral celebrants feel inadequately prepared for dealing with families bereaved by suicide. This course, facilitated by Veronika and Paul Robinson, will […]

Celebrant CPD: Certificate in Child Bereavement Ceremonies

At Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training, we offer a variety of courses. The Certificate in Celebrancy and The Diploma in Advanced Celebrancy and Ritual are for people who’ve never trained as celebrants. We also offer courses for celebrants who are looking to expand their skills.   One of our courses is a one-day in-person training for […]

What Celebrant Training Can Teach You About Yourself

One thing I’ve noticed over the years that we’ve been training celebrants is this: the way in which a celebrant-in-training approaches their training (both the face-to-face training and the twelve weeks of independent learning and written and practical modules) tells me a lot about how their vocation/career as a celebrant will progress.   There’s a […]

Diploma in Celebrancy

Our Diploma in Advanced Celebrancy and Ritual is one of a kind, and your successful certification defines you as elite in your field. The training is rigorous and will ensure that you are confident, creative and competent.   A peep on any mainstream celebrant forum will show you that newly trained celebrants are woefully unprepared […]

Funerals For Children: the gentle celebrant’s guide

At Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training, we seek to expand the resources we offer to our certified celebrants and celebrants-in-training. Our new students already received a comprehensive package of training materials. New to our list is the upcoming publication of Funerals for Children: the gentle celebrant’s guide by Veronika Sophia Robinson (co-tutor at HLC).    

Handfasting Mistresses

Join The Handfasting Mistresses: Rachel Cheer, Jacqui Harding & Veronika Robinson, for a weekend Celebrant Retreat. Learn the difference between Handfasting Ceremonies and Handtying Rituals at this ‘knot to be missed’ retreat in Cumbria. 1st March to 3rd March 2023. Contact Veronika at Heart-led Ceremonies to book your place. Numbers limited.