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Swans and Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training

You might not think swans and becoming a Heart-led Celebrant have anything in common (unless they were next to your ceremonial site or you were mentioning them in a script). When it comes to the assessment of module portfolios here at Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training, we use the SWANS framework. (Strengths, Weaknesses And Next Steps) […]

Building Your Celebrant Reputation

I remember, as a child, watching my father build us a new house. Firstly, the land had to be cleared. And then the rooms of the house were marked out, and trenches were dug for foundations. These went down about 45cm. Concrete was poured in, and then walls were built from Besser blocks. A foundation […]

The Layers of Celebrancy

When training people to be celebrants, my teaching style is a blend of organic and methodical. At one level, I like to see where our conversations lead and how the student thinks and makes connections to their own life experiences. There is ample space for navigating the varied terrain of this career. On another level, […]

Celebrant Training Courses in the North of England

    At Heart-led Celebrants (also known as Celebrant Training UK), we offer a variety of courses for celebrants. Our bespoke training is offered on a one-to-one basis here in Cumbria. We attract students from all around the world.   Certificate in Celebrancy. This course can be chosen as: Weddings only (including Handfasting Ceremonies, Commitment […]

Magazines for Celebrants

The Celebrant magazine is a gorgeous library of 13 fantastic issues written by celebrants and for celebrants. Edited by Veronika Robinson. Those people who train with Heart-led Celebrants receive copies in their welcome training package.   Issue 1Cover Photo: Cable Beach, Western Australia Cover image by Nik Buttigieg PhotographyCelebrant: Elle SaundersCouple: René Harbers and Chantal […]

Celebrant Training in the UK

When a person searches online for a celebrant-training course they will be met with page after page of sponsored ads by slick corporate ‘churn-em-out’ style organisations where the focus is on training 15 celebrants at a time. Many of our students have said how frustrating it was to wade through them all only to find […]

Celebrant Training in 2024

If you’ve been considering training as a Heart-led Celebrant, we are taking bookings for 2024. We’re now quite booked through Winter and Spring, with limited places available in Summer. As our training is on a one-to-one basis, places are booked at mutually convenient times and on a first-come-first-served basis. Our training is highly sought after […]