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Celebrant Training in 2025

Doing an excellent job as a celebrant isn’t about luck. It is about a defined and ever-expanding skillset, innate gifts and qualities, and a strong sense of being of service. It begins with rigorous celebrant training that allows you to explore your full potential. At Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training we seek to create ceremonies of […]

Why a Writing Retreat Will Transform Your Celebrant Practice

When people think of celebrants, most of the time it is with the idea that it is a person who stands up to officiate a ceremony. The truth is that this is such a small part of our job description. Many more hours are spent listening to families and couples as they share their stories […]

The Celebrant’s Ego v. Sacred Self

As a celebrant trainer, I often talk about the two distinct roles we have as a celebrant: to take direction and to give direction. Taking direction from clients can be an area where celebrants come unstuck. It can be easy, for some, to forget that we are being of service and that means the ceremony […]

Your Celebrant-Training Course Improved My Marriage

This morning I was clearing paperwork out of our celebrant-training room (which also serves as my writing room) and I came across a whole bunch of pieces of paper from when my seven-year-old granddaughter last stayed with us. There were times tables, stories and many pictures. I faced the same dilemma that I did twenty […]

Heart of Gold

This month, in my personal life, I’m working with the theme of kindness and compassion. Although I feel they’re qualities that are natural to me, they’re definitely worth bringing to the spotlight. Kindness is so underrated in this world and yet, with kindness, it makes life so much nicer for all involved.  If you think […]


When shining a light on the core values of a Heart-led Celebrant, and what we hope is innate to those we train, our top three are: integrity, acceptance and creativity. Integrity is one of those words you hear used a lot, but what does it really mean? And what does it mean as a Heart-led […]

Did You Have a Microphone On?

This morning I had the privilege of officiating the farewell ceremony of a wonderful woman. Immediately after the ceremony, her daughters came up to me and said “Did you have a microphone on you? You captured our exact memories.” The family had, of course, seen the script beforehand, and approved it, but there’s a huge […]

A Homely Approach to Learning Celebrancy

  There have been many blogs written on this website about what makes our training different to other celebrant-training companies. This post is about the physical and emotional environment in which you’ll come for your training: our home (unless, of course, you prefer to train by zoom; you’ll be in your home).   I’ve been […]

To Serve With Love

We’re now in our seventh year here at Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training. A lot can happen in seven years, personally and professionally. One of the things I continue to do is maintain my celebrant practice (officiating ceremonies across all rites of passage). This is important to me for a number of reasons:• I love what […]