Celebrant CPD: Certificate in Child Bereavement Ceremonies

At Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training, we offer a variety of courses. The Certificate in Celebrancy and The Diploma in Advanced Celebrancy and Ritual are for people who’ve never trained as celebrants. We also offer courses for celebrants who are looking to expand their skills.


One of our courses is a one-day in-person training for a Certificate in Child Bereavement Ceremonies. This specialist  course is only for those who are already certified as funeral celebrants.

This one-day face-to-face training is held here in Cumbria from 9am to 5pm on a mutually convenient day.

Following this training day, you will have some written and practical work to complete in your own time.

Fee = £450 (includes tuition on all aspects of creating and officiating funerals for children; voice and presentation skills for such ceremonies; lunch and refreshments; a copy of Write That Eulogy & Funerals for Children; and ongoing follow-up mentoring as and when desired.)

Veronika Sophia Robinson is a highly experienced funeral celebrant, author of several books for celebrants, and tutor at Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training in Cumbria. Veronika is a Certified Infant Loss Practitioner through The Foundation for Infant Loss Training. She is the author of Funerals for Children: a gentle celebrant’s guide: preterm, stillborn, infancy, young child, older child, teenager, young adult. Publishing January 2024 by Starflower Press. As a mother who has experienced the grief and devastation of four pre-term infant deaths, she writes from the heart as a parent and a celebrant.

Paul Robinson’s whole career has been centred around his voice, and other people’s. He is highly experienced as a celebrant, trained actor, drama coach, voiceover artist, singer, broadcaster, compère, and ventriloquist. Paul is an excellent communicator and teacher, and has a sixth sense about how to relate to individuals, groups and audiences.

Paul shares insights and techniques on how to make the best of your personality, how to build your self-confidence, control any nerves you may have… and of course, your voice, your presentation skills and body language.